Executive Board & SLT Duties
President (3): The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and shall be an ex-officio Member of all committees except the Nominating Committee and the Audit Committee. The President shall be the Association’s representative to the District Presidents’ Council (although another Officer or non-board member who is acknowledged by the PTA membership and duly noted in the minutes of the PTA general meeting may attend the meetings for the President). The President is required to serve as a Core Member of the School Leadership Team and regularly attend meetings. In the case of Co-Presidents, the Co-Presidents shall determine which Co-President will serve as the mandatory member of the SLT (although another Officer or non-board member who is acknowledged by the PTA membership and duly noted in the minutes of the PTA general meeting may attend the meetings for the President). A President shall approve the agenda and lead or designate a leader for all Executive Board and General Meetings. The President shall serve as a mandatory member of the Joint Schools Committee if one is created with the other joint schools.
The President shall have bottom line, overall responsibility for all PTA Officer functions. The President shall also oversee generally the activities of the Kindergarten Grade representatives. A President may serve as one of at least two co-signatories on the Association’s checks.
Vice-President, Fundraising & Programming (3): shall: (a) assist the President and other Vice Presidents; (b) jointly assume—together with any other available Vice Presidents—the duties of President in the President’s absence or at the President’s request; (c) support the Treasurer and Chair of the Budget Committee on financial issues; (d) oversee all fundraising & programming activities of the Association, and, specifically, the establishment of a sufficient committee structure (see Art. VIII, Sects. 3 and 7, regarding the Fundraising and Grants Committees) to ensure adequate planning and execution of all Association fundraising & community events (with the exception of the Annual Auction and Direct Appeal), solicitations, and grant-writing efforts; regularly report back to President on status of committees and any PTA fundraising or programming activities; (e) may consult with the SLT regarding any curriculum-based initiatives of the Association for which fundraising would be appropriate; and (f) manage and maintain PTA and school calendar; ensure coordination of PTA and school events with administration; (g) coordinate with other Officers and Grade Representatives to solicit ideas on school-wide and grade-level PTA programming and events; (h) coordinate with VP of Parent Involvement and Grade Representatives to determine appropriate volunteer and committee needs for PTA programming and events
Vice-President, Auction (2): shall: (a) assist the President and other Vice Presidents, check in regularly with the Executive Board; and (b) assume responsibility for running a successful Auction.
Vice-President, Direct Appeal (2): shall: (a) assist the President and other Vice Presidents, check in regularly with the Executive Board; and (b) assume responsibility for running a successful Direct Appeal.
Vice President, Parent Involvement (1): shall: (a) assist the President and the other Vice Presidents; (b) oversee the Association’s efforts to engage parents as volunteers, and specifically, the establishment of a sufficient committee structure to ensure that the Association is able to reach out to parents to learn their particular interests and areas of expertise, and to then encourage them to become members of the Association and to volunteer their time or services to the school; (c) to guide the parent engagement section of any events that solicit volunteer participation for PTA roles or for specific upcoming events; (d) maintain records or a database of school-wide volunteers and make these records &/or database available to all fundraising and event chairs & other members of the PTA and support their efforts to source and organize volunteers as necessary.
Vice President, Communications (2): shall: (a) assist the President and the other Vice Presidents; (b) jointly assume—together with any other available Vice Presidents—the duties of the President in the President’s absence or at the President’s request; (c) prepare and distribute notices of all Association meetings and other Association communications to the Membership; (d) keep the Association’s bulletin board current; and (e) consult with the Chair of the Nominating Committee to ensure that information relating to upcoming Association meetings, and regarding vacancies for Association Officers, is disseminated in a timely manner to the parent body; and (f) oversee the Association’s efforts to share information with school families and to publish written materials, and specifically, the establishment of a sufficient committee structure (see Art. VIII, Sect. 5) to ensure (i) the maintenance and updating of an Anderson School website; (ii) the appropriate use of e-mail systems for communication with the parent body; (iii) the publication and distribution to families of a school newsletter; and (iv) the publication of a student yearbook and/or creative arts journal; and (g) maintenance and accuracy of the school events calendar in concert with the Parent Coordinator and the School Administration.
Vice President, Community Affairs (2): shall: (a) assist the President and the other Vice Presidents; (b) jointly assume—together with any other available Vice Presidents—the duties of the President in the President’s absence or at the President’s request; (c) be responsible for representing or finding others to represent the Anderson School and report on meetings of the Presidents’ Council, CEC, Building Council and other relevant community-based meetings and forums; (d) organize community outreach programs and events, including but not limited to sister school programs (i.e. Halloween Costume Drive) and (e) promote the school in diverse communities in the City.
Vice President, Hospitality/Welcoming (2): shall: (a) assist the President and the other Vice Presidents; (b) organize members of the Hospitality/Welcoming Committee as recruited by Parent Involvement; (c) plan events including but not limited to Welcome Back events, Teacher Luncheons/Snacks for Parent Teacher Conferences and Meet the Teacher Night, Open Houses for prospective families, Teacher Appreciation Week, New Parent Welcome Party, Incoming Kindergarten Class Orientation, and the Anderson Buddy Program; (d) ensure that events are adequately staffed through direct communication with Parent Involvement and Administration.
Recording Secretary (1 & 1 alt): shall: (a) maintain the official record of the proceedings and actions of all Association Meetings and votes including but not limited to any notices, agendas, sign-in sheets, and material distributed at all meetings; (b) make available a sign-in sheet at each Association meeting; (c) prepare minutes of each Association meeting in time for review and adoption at the next appropriate meeting, and make minutes available upon request; (d) maintain custody of the books and reports pertaining to the Association, except those of the treasurer; (e) maintain a log of all amendments to the Bylaws and shall ensure that a copy of each is on file in the Principal’s office; and (f) record the mail received by the Association and prepare responses or correspondence at the request of the Executive Board and/or the President; and (h) chair meetings when all Presidents are absent.
Treasurer (2): shall be responsible for all financial affairs and funds of the association. The Treasurer shall also be responsible for maintaining an updated record of all income and expenditures. The Treasurer shall adhere to and implement all financial and confidentiality procedures established by the Association. The Treasurer shall be prepared to present and provide copies of financial reports for examination at every executive board and membership meeting. This report should include a statement of income/receipts and expenditures/disbursements for the reporting period. The Treasurer shall also prepare and distribute the January 31st interim and June annual financial accounting reports. He/she shall make available all books or financial records for viewing by members upon request and for audit. The Treasurer shall prepare all financial records and assist with the June/July transfer of all PTA records to the incoming Executive Board.
Treasurer: shall: (a) maintain and be responsible for the transfer of Association monies to the bank accounts of the Association; (b) maintain all deposit slips with appropriate identification of funds; (c) maintain an updated, orderly, detailed and complete record of income and expenditures, broken down by budget category; (d) be one of the signatories on Association checks; (e) prepare financial reports and attend all development seminars as required by Department of Education policy and regulations; and (f) prepare a report on the Association’s financial status that is understandable to non-accountants and is made available for examination at all General Membership Meetings.
Assistant Treasurer (3): shall be responsible for supporting the Treasurer or Co-Treasurers in all financial affairs of the association. The Assistant Treasurer will support the Treasurer in reconciling accounts and maintaining an updated record of all income and expenditures. The Assistant Treasurer shall adhere to and implement all financial and confidentiality procedures established by the Association. The Assistant Treasurer shall be responsible for collecting payments and managing different payment platforms (e.g., Venmo) at all fundraising events and initiatives (e.g., Direct Appeal, Auction, Teacher Gift) that involve monetary transactions. The Assistant Treasurer will coordinate with the Treasurer, VP of Fundraising, VP of Direct Appeal and VP of Auction in supporting any financial transactions, collection of funds, and requests for financial data or analytics.
Budget Chair (2): shall be responsible for preparing and monitoring the budget of the PTA. The Budget Chair’s formal responsibilities, as defined in the PTA Bylaws, include leading the Budget Committee in (a) preparing each spring a proposed PTA budget for the coming year for adoption by the PTA membership, (b) preparing mid-year revised budget proposals as occasionally required, (c) providing the Executive Board and PTA Membership with budget updates, (d) soliciting feedback on budgetary matters from the SLT, the school administration, and the PTA grade representatives, and (e) submitting the PTA budget to the Principal after approval by the PTA membership. The committee’s informal responsibilities include advising the PTA Executive Board on matters related to the financial health of the PTA and working closely with the PTA Treasurer and school administration to ensure the financial activities of the PTA are managed accurately and expeditiously in service of the school’s mission.
Grade Representative (2-3): shall: (a) be a parent of a student in the grade they represent on the PTA Executive Board and will attend PTA Executive Meetings as well as PTA General Membership Meetings. If they are unable to attend said meetings, the Grade Representative shall send another parent of a student in their grade in their place and stead; (b) These members will bring their grade’s concerns to the PTA meetings and/or Executive Board; (c) The Grade Representative shall lead and coordinate grade-level social events, and may also find another grade parent to lead or help support such activities; (d) The Grade Representative shall act as a liaison between the grade and their grade-level teachers as needed; (e) The Grade Rep shall communicate with the parents of the grade to advise of upcoming PTA meetings, votes, events and school functions in a timely manner; (e) The Grade Representative shall work with the Executive Board to drive participation by their respective grades in the association’s social and fundraising events and campaigns throughout the school year;(f) The Kindergarten Grade Representatives will organize and execute the welcome events for the incoming Kindergarten class in the Spring, working together with school admin and the rest of the Executive Board members.
School Leadership Team (SLT):
The fundamental purpose of the School Leadership Team (SLT) is to determine a school’s educational direction – that is, the school’s overall educational vision, its goals and priorities, the strategies that will be used to achieve that vision and the alignment of resources to accomplish those strategies. To fulfill this purpose, the SLT is required to develop a Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP) each year. The team brings together the different perspectives of the administration, teachers and parents to develop a culture in which there is a shared goal for all children to achieve high levels of learning and a spirit of partnership among all constituencies to achieve this goal (adapted from the School Leadership Team: Roles and Responsibilities 2016 and the Chancellor’s Regulations 2007).
The SLT at Anderson has 15 members. All SLTs have three core members: the Principal, the PTA president, and the Teacher’s Union Representative. Anderson’s SLT’s bylaws provide for parent and teacher grade representatives (K-2, 3-5, 6-8), and parent and teacher at-large representatives (K-4, 5-8), a PTA representative, and the Student Council President.
The core members are determined by their roles. The parent, teacher and student positions are filled by election.
The SLT Grade Gepresentative represents 3 grades. Eligible candidates for K-2, 3-5 and 6-8 Parent representatives must have a child in their constituency for at least the first year of the two-year term. For example, a parent with a rising second grader cannot run for the 3-5 seat. A parent with a rising fifth grader can run for the 3-5 seat. However, to ensure access and representation, in the event that the K-4 At Large Parent representative is a 3rd or 4th grade parent, a rising second grade parent would only be eligible to serve for 1 year and a special election will be held among the K-2 constituency for a one-year term to complete the two-year appointment.
The SLT At Large Representative represents 4 or 5 grades. Eligible candidates must have a child in their constituency for both years of the two year term (i.e., a parent with a 2nd grader cannot run for the 5-8 seat.
Grade Representative: to attend and participate at each monthly meeting (SLT meets Wednesdays at 3pm); to solicit input and receive comments and concerns to be shared with the committee; to distribute the minutes to the represented grades.
At Large Representative: to attend and participate at each monthly meeting (SLT meets Wednesdays at 3pm)
PTA Representative: to attend and participate at each monthly meeting (SLT meets Wednesdays at 3pm); to attend and participate at each monthly PTA executive board meeting (determined by the PTA); to present SLT information to the executive board, solicit input and receive comments from the executive board to disseminate to SLT; to present SLT information to the general PTA membership at monthly PTA meetings (determined by the PTA), to solicit input and receive comments from the general membership to disseminate to SLT.
If you have questions or would like to submit a nomination, please contact nominations@andersonpta.org