Anderson Journal

Please keep sending in your photos to the appropriate email for each grade.

  • yearbook2025@andersonpta.org (8th)
  • yearbook2026@andersonpta.org (7th)
  • yearbook2027@andersonpta.org (6th)
  • yearbook2028@andersonpta.org (5th)
  • yearbook2029@andersonpta.org (4th)
  • yearbook2030@andersonpta.org (3rd)
  • yearbook2031@andersonpta.org (2nd)
  • yearbook2032@andersonpta.org (1st)
  • yearbook2033@andersonpta.org (K)

In the subject line, please include the school event, and in the body of the email please include the students’ names in each photo so we can keep track and try to include as many students in each grade as possible.

Photo specifications:

  • Anderson events only
  • Anderson students only
  • Ideally, each photo should include at least 3 students
  • Photos of students from the same grade preferred, but please indicate if there are from more than one grade
  • High resolution images (original file size)

Thank you!